Nathan "Illumination"
I'm Strange; not weird.
Some people call me weird, but I prefer being called strange. Although I will admit that there is good reason for why many beleive that. Hm, now what's an example I could use here? How about the time I got my head stuck in a rocking chair while talking on the phone. That's a good one. I also am one of the least shy people anyone will ever meet. If I'm hungry might walk up to someone in a resturaunt and ask for a peice of chicken; I've done that too. I also have fun at concerts walking up to complete strangers and meeting them. My record for one night is 628 during the Newsboys concert at Atlanta Fest '97. Well, now that tells little bit of my personality I might as well tell more about my stats, as some might say. I am 15 years old and have lived in Ston Mountain, GA all my life. I have a strong Chistian faith and have attended Grae Presbyterian (PCA) all my life. I enjoy writting, working on compters, talking o th phone, and listening to music.
The Illumination
I am the writer and editor of a free Christian e-zine called The Illumination. I started it in September 97 with 20 subscribers with a small, simple weekly devotion. It has since grown to include a weekly uplifting story, a local youth callendar, a monthly Georgia concert callendar, a periodic prayer list, and a periodic Cd review and is sent to nearly 200 readers. To subsribe to The Illumination visit its website at

A Few of My Interests
As you have learned from above I am the editor of The Illumination and am also on the Literary Magazine staff at my school. As an adult I would like to start my own magazine from The Illumination. This may sound strange but my dream is to live in a huge camper and travel around the country and run The Illumination from a computer in my camper. With the technology they are coming out with now I should be able to do that. My employees would be able to live almost anywhere.
I like many types of music including swing, ska, contemporary, rock, and punk. Almost all types of music I listen to are Christian. I don't enjoy secular music much. The sports I enjoy include swimming, street hockey, running, wrestling, and biking.
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Email me on:
[email protected]

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